Upcoming Workshop:
Living Anatomy with the Alexander Technique:
Using the ANATOMY IN CLAY® Learning System, participants will build muscles in clay on model skeletons to represent specific patterns of misuse in the body. Then participants will experience hands on work to point out and correct these patterns in their own bodies.
Date: May 26, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Cost: $60
Maximum number of participants: 4
2 hours
New York Center for the Alexander Technique 31 W. 34th St., suite 1003
With permission from Zahourek Systems Inc. www.anatomyinclay.com
Phone: 212-529-3211
email: [email protected]
Living Anatomy with the Alexander Technique:
Using the ANATOMY IN CLAY® Learning System, participants will build muscles in clay on model skeletons to represent specific patterns of misuse in the body. Then participants will experience hands on work to point out and correct these patterns in their own bodies.
Date: May 26, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM
Cost: $60
Maximum number of participants: 4
2 hours
New York Center for the Alexander Technique 31 W. 34th St., suite 1003
With permission from Zahourek Systems Inc. www.anatomyinclay.com
Phone: 212-529-3211
email: [email protected]