Michael Ostrow's interview with the New York Times
Michael Ostrow in Elle magazine (9th and 10th paragraphs of article)
Michael Ostrow's audio interview about Zen and the Alexander Technique
Michael Ostrow's audio interview about breathing
Michael Ostrow’s radio interview on Elevated Radio
British Medical Journal Study concludes that the Alexander Technique is the most effective approach to back pain
Nikolass Tinbergen 1973 Nobel Prize speech discussing the Alexander Technique: Discussion of the Alexander Technique begins on page 122 - or read the transcript of that part of the speech here:
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique - lists articles and books about the Technique
American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT). List of teachers, articles and books, and other information about the Alexander Technique
Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT). The oldest Alexander society, UK based. Useful information and links.
Michael Ostrow's interview with the New York Times
Michael Ostrow in Elle magazine (9th and 10th paragraphs of article)
Michael Ostrow's audio interview about Zen and the Alexander Technique
Michael Ostrow's audio interview about breathing
Michael Ostrow’s radio interview on Elevated Radio
British Medical Journal Study concludes that the Alexander Technique is the most effective approach to back pain
Nikolass Tinbergen 1973 Nobel Prize speech discussing the Alexander Technique: Discussion of the Alexander Technique begins on page 122 - or read the transcript of that part of the speech here:
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique - lists articles and books about the Technique
American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT). List of teachers, articles and books, and other information about the Alexander Technique
Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT). The oldest Alexander society, UK based. Useful information and links.